It may look like pink Jello but scientists hope this new invention could revolutionize meat

Researchers in South Korea say they’ve developed a new way to make lab-grown meat taste like the real deal. It may look like a transparent, bubble gum pink-colored disc, but scientists hope it could revolutionize the meat on people’s plates.

Lab-grown meat — also called cultured meat or cell-based meat — is emerging as an alternative to conventional meat, offering the same nutritional benefits and sensory experience without the carbon footprint

It’s made by cultivating animal cells directly in a lab grown on 3D structures called “scaffolds,” which allow the cells to multiply, eliminating the need to raise and farm animals.

Scientists have created everything from cultured meatballs to 3D printed steaks. While some previous iterations of cultured beef have mimicked the look and feel of the real thing, according to a new study, they’ve overlooked a key element: taste.


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